Home » [Character Creator] 9 Earrings & Accessories

[Character Creator] 9 Earrings & Accessories

9 Earrings This pack includes 9 Earrings in different shapes and Designs with Effect System as a Head Accessory for both iClone 7.9 / CC 3 or above. Easy to add one or two Earrings to a same design or a different design for your character. The Earrings have an ability to Scale or Rotate with ON / OFF in the Effects System. When adding the Earring to the Stage it will attach to the Left ear for the character. Change Rotation in Y 0:00 to 180:00 and move for X direction with ( – 0:00 ). Location: Custom \ Accessory \ Head \ 9 Rings. For changing Materials Modify \ Materials. For Effect System Modify \ Edit Spring \ Active Group ON \ OFF.

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[Character Creator] 9 Earrings & Accessories

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